Golden Era styling with your personal touch...

Dip into the glamorous raqs sharqi styling from Egypt’s Golden Era. Dancers from this time period were known for their subtle and expressive movements - as well as their cinema dramatics! Each dancer had their own unique personality and style on stage, which lead many to become stars - and in fact household names to this day!

In this workshop we’ll explore important factors that contributed to the styling at the time (cultural, musical, etc.) as well as overall themes, aesthetics, and popular movements. Then we'll explore how you can add your personal touch, so you can become a Golden Era star that is uniquely YOU!

This workshop is great for anyone looking for tips and tricks on bringing out their unique personality and style on stage.

Price: $65 USD for 1-year access

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Example Curriculum

  Video access
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Music and additional resources
Available in days
days after you enroll